
Thanks to the excellent photographer and frontend engineer Claudio Schwarz we have a great set of photos from 2019 to share with you.

Flickr has our photos on display

Sessions 2019

The 45-minute sessions are at the core of every BarCamp and provide ample time for presenting a short talk, discussing new ideas or sharing case studies followed up by an open discussion.

See the list of all session 2019


Things we have learned

Thank you for all the positive comments and shouts of encouragement to organize UXCamp again next year.

We also listened to the critic and these are some our “how might we” questions…

HMW …improve the digital schedule?

HMW …activate or engage silent participants?

HMW …remain inclusive, so that EVERYONE'S session is valued?

Best Community.

By design no one at UXcamp Switzerland gets paid to present a session or gets to skip work to participate – everything happens because people are motivated to make it happen. We said this before but it bears repeating: UXcamp Switzerland is a one-of-a-kind event with a one-of-a-kind community. Don’t take this for granted and don’t forget to enjoy every moment of it!